Temperature-controlled freezers

The storage at low temperature of certain products such as plasma or proteins requires specific attention. During the freezing process it is crucial to allow a very gradual and controlled transition between the phases to avoid product property degradation.

Temperature-controlled freezers are the ideal solution for storing your temperature-sensitive products:

  • The temperature curves can be programmed, via the LYO21 batch management system which is in phase with the CFR21 Part 11 directive. An unlimited number of recipes can be stored to allow easy processing of different products;
  • Our Freeze and Thaw devices feature a modern and operator friendly HMI for greater ease of use;
  • A baffle channels the coolant inside the shelves, thus ensuring a perfectly even temperature distribution over the entire shelf surface;
  • Depending on your needs, our Freeze and Thaw devices can generate temperatures down to -80C°.